Monday, March 19, 2007

Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine Social Networks

I've read most of the sites and discussions about MySpace ( and MyFace), and I don't really have anything against libraries having a presence on these sites, but I'm not sure it's going to make a big impact on libraries--or it's users. Fine with me to have a KCLS MySpace page ( but who decides what our favorite movies and bands are?) On a personal note, I feel REALLY OLD when I look through most of the listings on MySpace.

My mom, Dina, has a page and she has 1173 friends! Here's what she lists as her general interests: The simple pleasures... my adopted daughter Phoebe, Cabo, Daewoo Leganzas (nice!), Talbot's, island life, guys on crutches, stopping to smell the little things. donky kong.

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